When you define some RESTful JSON API in MIDL, you can generate a API reference documentation for the API.
Microbuilder requires Haxe for documentation generation, and Sbt to manage build pipeline.
You need download and install Haxe 3.2.1 and Sbt 0.13.9, then setup Haxelib with the folloiwing commands:
haxelib setup ~/.haxelib.d
haxelib install hxjava
haxelib install dox
Create the SDK
Sbt configuration for SDK
Prepare an empty directory for the SDK project.
Then, create project/plugins.sbt
and add sbt-microbuilder dependency into it.
// project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.thoughtworks.microbuilder" % "sbt-microbuilder" % "3.0.2")
There are multiple plugins in the sbt-microbuilder library for different targets or platforms.
You may want to add enablePlugins
for some of these plugins :
// build.sbt
organization := "com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial"
name := "github-sdk"
MIDL API definition
By default, your MIDL is under src/haxe
and the package name of your MIDL is caculated from organization
and name
settings in your build.sbt
The interface of MIDL API should be put under com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.rpc
or src/haxe/com/thoughtworks/microbuilder/tutorial/githubSdk/rpc
You can run sbt jsonStreamServiceModules::packageName
in shell to check that.
Now you define List user organizations endpoint in a MIDL interface.
// src/haxe/com/thoughtworks/microbuilder/tutorial/githubSdk/rpc/IOrganizationService.hx
package com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.rpc;
import jsonStream.rpc.Future;
import haxe.ds.Vector;
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.model.OrganizationSummary;
interface IOrganizationService {
@:route("GET", "users/{username}/orgs")
function listUserOrganizations(username:String):Future<Vector<OrganizationSummary>>;
// TODO: Other endpoints described at https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/
MIDL JSON schema definition
The MIDL reference to a MIDL JSON schema OrganizationSummary
which should be defined under com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.model
or src/haxe/com/thoughtworks/microbuilder/tutorial/githubSdk/model
You can run sbt jsonStreamModelModules::packageName
in shell to check that.
// src/haxe/com/thoughtworks/microbuilder/tutorial/githubSdk/model/OrganizationSummary.hx
package com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.model;
class OrganizationSummary {
public function new() {}
public var login:String;
public var id:Int;
public var url:String;
public var avatar_url:String;
public var description:String;
Generate Haxedoc
Now you can execute the following command to generate Haxedoc
sbt haxelibInstallDependencies haxe:doc
Navigate to target/scala-2.10/compile-dox/index.html
and you will the API reference.
See this repository for the complete code base.