For Scala client
In order to call a RESTful JSON API from a Scala application, you need the following steps:
- Create a Sbt project, which contains the MIDL definition of the RESTful JSON API that you will call in your Scala application. The project is also known as the API's SDK.
- Publish the JAR package of SDK (optional).
- Add the dependency to the SDK into your Scala application's
. - In your Scala application, initilize the service defined in SDK and invoke methods of the service.
In this article, you will create an application that queries the public organization memberships for a specified Github user. The application is a Scala Play web project. It will call Github API via a Microbuilder SDK, which is also created in this article.
Microbuilder requires Haxe for code generation, and Sbt to manage build pipeline.
You need download and install Haxe 3.2.1 and Sbt 0.13.9, then setup Haxelib with the folloiwing commands:
haxelib setup ~/.haxelib.d
haxelib install hxjava
haxelib install dox
Create the SDK
Sbt configuration for SDK
Prepare an empty directory for the SDK project.
Then, create project/plugins.sbt
and add sbt-microbuilder dependency into it.
// project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.thoughtworks.microbuilder" % "sbt-microbuilder" % "3.0.2")
There are multiple plugins in the sbt-microbuilder library.
is one of these plugins.
The plugin will add necessary settings for a SDK project for JVM target.
So you edit build.sbt, and add enablePlugins(MicrobuilderJavaSdk)
// build.sbt
organization := "com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial"
name := "github-sdk"
MIDL API definition
By default, your MIDL is under src/haxe
and the package name of your MIDL is caculated from organization
and name
settings in your build.sbt
The interface of MIDL API should be put under com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.rpc
or src/haxe/com/thoughtworks/microbuilder/tutorial/githubSdk/rpc
You can run sbt jsonStreamServiceModules::packageName
in shell to check that.
Now you define List user organizations endpoint in a MIDL interface.
// src/haxe/com/thoughtworks/microbuilder/tutorial/githubSdk/rpc/IOrganizationService.hx
package com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.rpc;
import jsonStream.rpc.Future;
import haxe.ds.Vector;
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.model.OrganizationSummary;
interface IOrganizationService {
@:route("GET", "users/{username}/orgs")
function listUserOrganizations(username:String):Future<Vector<OrganizationSummary>>;
// TODO: Other endpoints described at
MIDL JSON schema definition
The MIDL reference to a MIDL JSON schema OrganizationSummary
which should be defined under com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.model
or src/haxe/com/thoughtworks/microbuilder/tutorial/githubSdk/model
You can run sbt jsonStreamModelModules::packageName
in shell to check that.
// src/haxe/com/thoughtworks/microbuilder/tutorial/githubSdk/model/OrganizationSummary.hx
package com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.model;
class OrganizationSummary {
public function new() {}
public var login:String;
public var id:Int;
public var url:String;
public var avatar_url:String;
public var description:String;
Now you can execute the following command to compile and package the SDK to a JAR.
sbt haxelibInstallDependencies package
Publish the SDK
See Publishing in Sbt documentation for how to setup Sbt to publish your SDK.
See this repository for the complete code base.
Setup a Play project
Now, create your client-side application.
First, create the project with the help of sbt
or activator
. You can see the documentation from Play Framework web site.
Add SDK dependencies
Then, add the SDK dependencies to your build.sbt
// Dependency to the Github SDK we just created.
libraryDependencies += "com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial" %% "github-sdk" % "1.0.2"
// Runtime library to integrate SDK into a Play application.
libraryDependencies += "com.thoughtworks.microbuilder" %% "microbuilder-play" % "3.1.0"
// A library that deals with asynchronous operation.
libraryDependencies += "com.thoughtworks.each" %% "each" % "0.5.1"
Alternatively, You can embed the code base of SDK as a child project of the Play project, if you don't want to publish the SDK. See Multi-project builds for more information.
Use the SDK
After the SDK dependencies are added, we can create a controller which use IOrganizationService
sending RESTful requests.
package com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.organizationList.controllers
import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scalaz.std.scalaFuture._
import com.thoughtworks.each.Monadic._
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.model.OrganizationSummary
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.rpc.IOrganizationService
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.organizationList.views.html.renderOrganizationList
class OrganizationListController(organizationService: IOrganizationService)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends Controller {
def showOrganizationList(username: String) = Action.async(throwableMonadic[Future] {
val future: Future[Array[OrganizationSummary]] = organizationService.listUserOrganizations(username)
Ok(renderOrganizationList(username, future.each))
In this example, you convert result of listUserOrganizations
to a asynchronous Future
then use Scalaz and Each handling the future.
Then, you pass the result to a Twirl template renderOrganizationList
to render the HTML,
which will be created later in this article.
Other Play configurations
In order to use the OrganizationListController
add corresponding Play's routes configuration for it.
# conf/routes
GET /users/:username com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.organizationList.controllers.OrganizationListController.showOrganizationList(username:String)
Then, create the Twirl template renderOrganizationList
used by OrganizationListController
@import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.model.OrganizationSummary
@(username: String, organizations: Array[OrganizationSummary])
<h1>@username's organizations</h1>
@for(organization <- organizations) {
<img src="@organization.avatar_url" width="20" height="20" title="@organization.description"/>
This template renders data got from Github API.
Initialize the SDK
As we defined before,
the organizationService:IOrganizationService
is a parameter of OrganizationListController
which should be initialized in the Play framework's application entry point.
package com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.organizationList
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.proxy.MicrobuilderOutgoingProxyFactory._
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.proxy.MicrobuilderRouteConfigurationFactory._
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.rpc.IOrganizationService
import com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.organizationList.controllers.OrganizationListController
import play.api.{BuiltInComponentsFromContext, Application, ApplicationLoader}
import play.api.ApplicationLoader.Context
import router.Routes
class Loader extends ApplicationLoader {
override def load(context: Context): Application = {
val components = new BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) with NingWSComponents {
implicit def executionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
lazy val organizationService = PlayOutgoingJsonService.newProxy[IOrganizationService]("", wsApi)
lazy val organizationListController = new OrganizationListController(organizationService)
override lazy val router = new Routes(httpErrorHandler, organizationListController)
The Loader
prepared an IOrganizationService
instance from newProxy
and passed the IOrganizationService
to the constructor of OrganizationListController
As a result,
the OrganizationListController
is able to use methods on IOrganizationService
as we shown before.
Note that newProxy
method will look for implcit stubs that generated from MIDL. They are com.thoughtworks.microbuilder.tutorial.githubSdk.proxy.MicrobuilderOutgoingProxyFactory
You must import MicrobuilderOutgoingProxyFactory._
and MicrobuilderRouteConfigurationFactory._
to enable those implicit values generated in the two classes.
Now you built the entire application. You can run it from Sbt
sbt run
Then visit http://localhost:9000/users/your-user-name to see your Github organization list.
You can find the entire example of client-side application at organization-list.